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In a chaotic era, people from various states are advocating martial arts to survive. Ding Ning, who is suffering from a chronic illness, becomes the hottest figure in the martial arts world due to his exceptional talents such as \Half-day True Mystery\ and \Ten-day Breaking\. His cousin, Changsun Qianxue, who disguises herself as his aunt, begins to see the resemblance between him and her longtime crush, Liang Jingmeng, the leader of the Basan Swordsmen. From the Lushan Summit to the Minshan Swordsmanship Conference, Ding Ning and his friends, including Crown Prince Yuan Zichu and the White Sheep Cave brothers, deepen their friendships and he gradually becomes the leader of the young warriors. However, the King of Heng and Queen Ye Zhen begin to feel uneasy as the truth about their betrayal of Liang Jingmeng and the Basan Swordsmen is gradually exposed, leading to an impending, epoch-making showdown. At the same time, Heng Kingdom faces an unprecedented crisis, where life and death become insignificant, and time makes the originally simple hatred more complicated. Separation and suffering make Ding Ning more mature and determined, and this time, he doesn't want to start over. 展开全部


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