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A unique factual depiction of Nikola Tesla's life from his early adulthood to his eventual arrival to America in 1886, examining his relationships and interactions with some of history's most important and controversial people including Thomas Edison, George Westinghouse, Guglielmo Marconi, Albert Einstein, Charles"Lucky" Luciano, J.P. Morgan, Mark Twain, J. Edgar Hoover, and Heinrich Himmler of the Nazi regime. The story reveals the tragic secret that was behind Tesla's relentless drive to invent the most dangerous device to mankind and many facts and truths not previously known such as Tesla's romantic life which was thought to be none existent which is not true and reveals many of Tesla inventions that were suppressed from the world for over half a century and only now are widely used. The film goes into overdrive action with the introduction of fictional character"John Watt" from the future in 2013. John is a 21-year-old computer sciences student who by fate comes upon Tesla's greatest invention kept secret from the world, the Time Radio. Through this remarkable invention, John is able to communicate with Tesla in the past and experience a world of mystery, intrigue and conspiracy, a world that is shaping the future, John's present. The radio emits a signal like none other in world and is soon picked up by NSA radio scanners which set off alarms as the signals are highly encrypted and unbreakable. Suspecting that a sophisticated terrorist group is behind the encrypted signals the NSA joins forces with the FBI to locate the source but what the NSA doesn't know is that certain people in the FBI know more about the signals then they are willing to share. John and his girlfriend Sara narrowly escape capture, realizing how the radio could be used to contact the past to change the future and unable to bring himself to destroy the radio John and Sara find themselves on the run with the radio from the NSA and FBI all while in contact with Tesla in the past.- Written by Hollydan Works 展开全部


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  • 8.0


    史蒂夫·布西密 西格妮·韦弗 罗宾·怀特 伍迪·哈里森 本·福斯特 

  • 9.0


    泰勒·洛特纳 玛莉·艾格洛蒲露丝 拉菲·格拉沃恩 亚当·雷纳 山姆麦地那 安德鲁·埃尔维斯·米勒 道阿·茂阿 Christian Steel 何炜晴 

  • 1.0


    即刻反击(台) 狙煞特攻(港) 

  • 1.0


    杰克莱恩:诡影任务(台)  惊天谍变:魅影特攻(港)  杰克·瑞恩:惊天陷阱  杰克·莱恩:秘影一号  Jack Ryan Shadow One  Moscow 

  • 2.0



  • 10.0


    제 7기사단   The Last Knights 

  • 2.0


    High Lane  Ferrata  Gerilim hatti  絕嶺人魔(港) 

  • 5.0


    松田龙平 西岛秀俊 高良健吾 新井浩文 柄本时生 木下隆行 木本武宏 皆川猿时 谷村美月 大杉涟 森本治行 



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