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When Eric returns home for a brief visit, he ends up extending his stay. He finds himself torn between reconnecting with his two sisters and proving that he is still the best poker player in town. However, the more he tries to show his poker skills, the more he gets entangled in unresolved issues with his sister Rachel. Meanwhile, their younger sister Maggie tries to recreate the intimate bond they once shared. This film, directed by Dustin Guy Defa, explores the challenges of adulthood and the divide between childhood and adulthood. It delves into the fear and sense of loss that can come with transitioning into adulthood, but also highlights the resources available to overcome it. With its meticulous structure and depth, the film offers a shrewd exploration of this universal condition. The talented cast portrays the nuanced and poignant emotions experienced by the characters, adding depth and authenticity to the story. 展开全部


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